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7 Microsoft Excel Formulas that Beginners Must Know

7 Microsoft Excel Formulas that Beginners Must Know

Excel is an application that is used in almost all professions, both by students, teachers, office workers, and entrepreneurs. This application is often used as a basic tool in simple calculations, data processing, data visualization, and others, making it easier to complete tasks or jobs.

Excel is a mainstay application for various industrial sectors. It's no wonder that mastering this application is one of the main requirements when applying for a job, and some job vacancies even conduct an initial test of using Excel in job interviews. Especially for work related to analysis and numerical data. Therefore, fresh graduates must be able to understand the use of Excel before entering the world of work.

Not only needed in the world of work, Excel is also material that is taught in schools or campuses and can be used to complete academic assignments. By using Excel, school students or college students will more quickly and easily organize assignments and complete them with good results.

Over time, Microsoft Excel has experienced updated versions of the most commonly used versions, namely versions 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, to 2021. Even though there are updated versions every few years, most versions of Excel have formulas that remain the same. But there are still many users who have difficulty using Excel formulas, especially for beginners. Want to get to know more closely with the Microsoft Excel application and understand the formulas in it?

Here are 7 formulas that beginners must know and learn, take notes ! 7 Microsoft Excel Formulas that Beginners Must Know

1. SUM
SUM is used to add up data within a certain range. So guys, you don't need to add data manually anymore because it will take a long time. You just need to use the SUM formula in Excel. The formula can be used on the Formulas menu tab and selecting AutoSUM or by typing the formula =SUM(Range).

AVERAGE is used to calculate the average value of a set of numbers. This formula is really useful, guys, in the world of work, one of which is to find out the average sales. In addition, it is useful for instructors to calculate the average grade and useful for students doing quantitative research, for example to calculate the average student or respondent. The general AVERAGE formula is =AVERAGE(Range).

3. MIN and MAX
Knowing the smallest and largest values ​​is sometimes needed in making reports or research. Now you can use MIN to find the smallest value and MAX to find the largest value. The formula for finding the smallest value =MIN(Range), and for finding the largest value using the formula =MAX(Range).

There are several calculations based on date and time that can be done using Excel formulas, guys, for example knowing a certain day, the number of working days, the difference in months or years, and so on. The formula used is =DATEDIF(start date;end date;"unit"). The units here can be filled with d (if you want to count days), m (if you want to count months), or y (if you want to count years).

5. IF LOGIC The IF logic function is the function most often used in solving data problems in Excel. The Logical IF function checks whether a data meets criteria based on two or more choices. For a simple IF that only has two choices, the formula is =IF(cell1>=criteria number;"choice 1";"choice 2"). Choice 1 and Choice 2 can be YES or NO, PASS or FAIL, TRUE or FALSE, and so on. For example, in a table of student scores below it is determined if a grade of 75 and above is declared pass, while grades below 75 are declared not pass.

The VLOOKUP function is used to retrieve data from other tables vertically based on certain keywords. In general, the formula used is =VLOOKUP(searched value; reference table range; column number; [range Lookup]).

HLOOKUP has the same formula type as VLOOKUP. The difference is that in HLOOKUP the reference table is horizontal. So the formula is =HLOOKUP(searched value; reference table range; row number; [range Lookup]). The VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP formulas are the formulas most often used in the world of work.
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