For example, if you type 3/15 in Microsoft Office Excel, Excel will automatically translate it as a date and display 15-Mar in the cell. If you want to get another display like March 15, 2022 or 15/3/22, you can set it first in the date feature. The same goes for timing. If you type 1:24 a or 1:24 p in a cell, Excel interprets this as a time and displays 1:24 AM or 1:24 PM in the cell. To rearrange the date format in Microsoft Office Excel, you can change it by following the steps summarized below.
You have read Setting the Date Format in Microsoft Excel
- Open the Microsoft Office Excel application on your laptop or computer.
- Select the date data to convert.
- Right-click and select "Format Cells."
- Select the "date" or "date" option in the category list.
- Click the date format you want to use in the type list.
- Click settings in the location box, if you want to change them in another language format Click “Ok” when you have finished making the settings.
Hopefully useful for you, happy learning Microsoft Excel..